вогняний шар гамма-променів
9 May
i totally forgot about this. but, okay. on friday (lets not talk much about sunday. it wasnt bad, but it wasnt as good and didnt feel like reunion. so whatever).
he got me a plant seeds. its some sorta blue flowers, bell-shapped, kinda pretty, kinda odd.
i planted it. not all of it, just 4 seeds. i want them to grow, quickly.
that was before he asked did anyone ever gave me flowers. he asked why not, too.
he kinda spends money on me. not much, but i ask him to stop, and most of the time it just never worked.
i guess i need to spend some on him. maybe, on his birthday present, maybe i should buy him some nice stuff. i dont know what exactly. i had a few thoughts but i dont know where to find it, and other things - i dont know if i can buy him that.